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A child lays down and watches a video on an iPad

Being a family on the go is an exercise in organisation. Add travel, missed meals and bedtimes, and you can have some cranky kids (and parents). So how do you keep everything running smoothly? Like any good traveller‐turn to your smartphone or tablet.

We break it down into keep the trip organised and keeping the kids entertained.

Travel organisation

Getting out the door and making your flight is half the battle. Use these apps to keep your travel plans running smoothly.


TripIt keeps all your plans and itineraries in one place. You can even send them directly from your inbox as you receive them and it organises them into a single itinerary. The Pro version will keep you updated about flight changes.

TripIt is available from iTunes or Google Play

Mom Maps

Use Mom Maps to help you find family friendly places like parks, restaurants and play areas with reviews from other parents.

Mom Maps is available from iTunes or Google Play

Bathroom Scout

When you need to go, you need to go. Find the best bathroom using Bathroom Scout.

Bathroom Scout is available from iTunes or Google Play

XE Currency Converter

Keeping track of currencies can be tough—especially for small purchases. XE Currency Converter can help you can tell how much that souvenir really costs and which purchases are really worth it.

XE Currency Converter is available from iTunes or Google Play

Pack the Bag

Create packing checklists using Pack the Bag. Checklists are great on the way home too for making sure that you’re bringing everything back.

Pack the Bag is available from iTunes

Operation: entertain the kids

If you’re travelling with more than one child, it’s best to have games that take turns or movie apps that they can both watch.

Homes by Tinybop

This app is best for small children. It introduces kids to other cultures and shows how children live in other places.

Homes by Tinybop is available from iTunes


We recommend iTunes over a purely streaming service because you can download a few episodes of a favourite show to your device in case there’s no (or very expensive) Wi-Fi. Sometimes a few minutes of something familiar can head off a tantrum.

Download iTunes from iTunes

Travel Bingo

Tech versions of old fashioned games help keep kids (or even adults) focused on their surroundings instead of on the device. This works really well for when you’re trying to entertain a couple of kids.

Travel Bingo is available from iTunes

Follow our tips and your trip should be smooth sailing. If the unexpected does happen—that’s where travel insurance can help. Get a quote from Cover-More to cover your trip before you go and then a mishap doesn’t have to turn into a disaster.