error_outline IMPORTANT error_outline
This policy can cover New Zealand residents travelling internationally and within New Zealand on single trips only.

      If you’ve already left home and are on your trip, this cover is subject to a 3-day no cover period.

      Home / Travel insurance / Annual Multi Trip

      Get Annual Travel Insurance with a Multi Trip Travel Insurance Plan

      Couple with annual multi trip travel insurance posing on Santorini Island, Greece

      Frequent travellers can benefit from Annual Multi-Trip policies

      Do you travel regularly? Or do you typically take two or more trips each year? If so, an Annual Multi-Trip (AMT) policy could save you time and money.

      When you buy an AMT policy, you’re protected for an unlimited number of domestic trips (if you’re staying 100 kilometres or more from home or – if less than that – staying at least one night in paid accommodation with an accommodation provider) and international trips to your chosen destination (up to the trip duration you’ve selected) over a 12-month period. Yes, this means you won’t have to worry about taking out a new policy every time you jet off*!

      If you’re travelling frequently, it’s likely no two trips will be this same. At Cover-More, we offer you the flexibility to add extra cover to your AMT policy when you purchase it, including snow sports, cruising, and more.

      If this sounds like the best annual travel insurance solution for you, you can get a travel insurance quote online now.

      Got questions about our Annual Multi-Trip plans? You’ll find all the important details below plus frequently asked questions on our AMT FAQs page.

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      What is Annual Multi-Trip (AMT) travel insurance?

      An Annual Multi-Trip policy provides travellers with multi-trip travel insurance over a 12-month period. It does not provide travellers with 12 months of cover for 365 days of continuous travel.

      If you’re a frequent traveller who takes multiple trips a year, you may find an AMT policy to be an affordable solution for protecting your travels.

      Why should I buy an Annual Multi-Trip travel insurance policy?

      An Annual Multi-Trip policy is often convenient and can provide cost-effective travel insurance.

      If you’re travelling multiple times a year and you don’t want the added stress of having to take out a different travel insurance policy each time you head off on a holiday, an AMT could be a great option for you.

      Does Cover-More offer annual travel insurance?

      Yes, our Cover-More domestic and international comprehensive plans are available to purchase as AMT policies. As a Cover-More AMT policyholder, you can take as many trips as you want throughout the year up to the trip duration you choose when purchasing the plan.

      For an international AMT policy, you can select your maximum trip duration as either 30, 45 or 60 days.

      For Australia and South Pacific nations, your trip length can be 15 or 30 days depending on your preference. 

      For domestic AMT policies, you can choose a maximum trip duration of either 15 or 30 days. (This means our AMT policies do not provide 12 months of cover for 365 days of continuous travel.)

      Under our Cover-More AMT policies, cover is provided every time you travel further than 100 kilometres from your home or – if the distance is less than this – your trip includes at least one night of paid accommodation with an accommodation supplier or provider, up to the individual maximum trip duration noted on your Certificate of Insurance.

      The best part: as an annual travel insurance policy customer, you don’t need to tell us about every single trip you plan on taking – just set off and have fun. (You do need to make sure your multi-country travel insurance policy covers the countries you’re visiting and the activities you’re participating in, though.)

      Our Cover-More AMT policies are currently available to travellers of all ages.

      What benefits do I get with a Cover-More Annual Multi-Trip travel insurance policy?

      When you buy a Cover-More Annual Multi-Trip Policy, your travels will have cover for a whole year. Yes, an AMT Policy can provide cover for an unlimited number of trips in a 12-month period up to the trip duration selected.

      Our AMT policies are available on the following Cover-More plans:

      • International Comprehensive+
      • International Comprehensive
      • Domestic Comprehensive+
      • Domestic Comprehensive

      …which means you can enjoy the benefits included in these plans, including:

      • overseas medical and dental cover~
      • protection for lost or delayed luggage
      • rental car insurance excess cover
      • travel delay cover
      • additional expenses cover
      • a level of amendment and cancellation cover you choose*

      and much more.



      With our AMT policies, the limit under each policy benefit is also automatically reinstated when you come home from each trip.

      For full details of the terms, conditions, exclusions, limits and sub-limits that apply, please read the Policy Wording before purchasing this insurance product.

      Do you believe our annual travel insurance may suit you? You can get a fast online quote now.

      Two women with annual multi trip travel insurance at a temple in Thailand

      What should I know before I buy a Cover-More Annual Multi-Trip policy?

      Here are five things you need to know about our Cover-More annual travel insurance plans prior to purchase, however, we recommend you read the Policy Wording for full details.

      1. You need to choose your maximum trip duration

      Your AMT policy only covers you up to the maximum trip duration you select at the time of purchase. This maximum applies to each separate trip.

      For overseas trips on our international AMT plans, you can choose between 30, 45 or 60 days for each individual trip length. For trips to Australia and South Pacific nations, your trip length can be 15 or 30 days. For trips within New Zealand only covered by our domestic AMT plans, you can select a maximum trip duration of either 15 or 30 days. The trip length option you choose will affect the premium you have to pay.

      For example, if you choose a maximum trip duration of 60 days on your international Annual Multi-Trip travel insurance policy, then each individual international trip you take throughout the year (and you can take as many as you want) cannot be longer than 60 days.

      Keep in mind you are still protected for an unlimited number of trips during the annual period up to the duration you select, but you must return home after each one. It doesn’t allow 365 days continuous cover.

      2. You need to choose your level of cover

      At Cover-More, we understand each traveller is different, which is why you’re able to choose the travel insurance plan and option/s to vary your cover for different benefits that best fit your travel style and budget needs. Our range of popular options to vary your cover include cover for snow sports, riding a motorcycle or moped with an engine capacity over 250cc, and adventure activities outside of those we automatically provide cover for.

      You can also increase your luggage cover limit and select the amount of cancellation cover that suits you. Remember an additional premium will apply if you vary your cover with any of the options to vary or upgrade your cover.

      3. You need to select your excess level

      When you buy our Cover-More annual travel insurance on one of our comprehensive international plans, we give you the option to choose the amount of excess you’ll pay should you need to make a claim.

      This excess applies if you have a claim and is the first amount of a claim that we don’t pay. You can select an excess amount of either $0, $100 or $250. For a Domestic Plan, a set excess of $25 applies.

      Don’t forget the excess amount is applied to each claimable event. For more details on what this means and the benefits that an excess applies to, read the Policy Wording.

      4. You need to declare any existing medical conditions

      Our Cover-More plans automatically include cover for many common existing medical conditions (EMCs) including asthma, acne, high cholesterol, gout, glaucoma, and epilepsy (subject to criteria in the Policy Wording).

      Other EMCs may require an online health assessment to be completed to confirm the appropriate travel insurance coverage for you, and may require the payment of additional premium. If your condition is not listed within our online health assessment, we may not be able to cover it. We recommend you call our team on (0800) 500 225 to ask.

      For EMC policy conditions, please refer to the existing medical conditions sections in the Policy Wording.

      5. You have access to the cooling-off period

      Purchasing travel insurance is an incredibly important decision and one that shouldn’t be taken lightly.

      All our Cover-More customers can make use of a 21-day cooling-off period**, where we can provide you with a full refund if you choose to cancel your policy with us and you meet the criteria outlined in our Policy Wording.

      Woman with annual multi trip insurance cover looking Glacier Lagoon in Iceland

      How do I buy a Cover-More Annual Multi-Trip policy?

      Are you ready to buy an Annual Multi-Trip travel insurance policy? If you travel regularly, it may end up saving you time and money in the future.

      To buy an AMT policy on our Cover-More website, simply enter the dates of your first trip in the quote box. In the destinations section, make sure you put in all the destinations you plan on visiting over the next 12 months.

      Unsure of where the year will take you? If you are not sure of all your destinations, select a region instead – cover then applies for travel to all countries within that region. 

      Once this is completed, you will be taken to the Cover Summary page. Click on the tab called ‘Annual Multi-Trip plans’. Our AMT plan options will then be displayed. You can then select the coverage items that work best for you.

      Don’t see the option to buy an AMT policy? Your travel requirements might be better suited to one of our other policies. Call us on (0800) 500 225 to discuss your travel insurance options.

      Still got a question about Cover-More’s Annual Multi-Trip travel insurance?

      No problem – our Annual Multi-Trip FAQs page should help answer any additional questions you may have.


      Ready to buy annual travel insurance?

      Find out how we can help keep you travelling with multi-trip travel insurance today.


      *Sub-limits apply. Please refer to the policy wording. 
      **Cooling-off period is available if you cancel your policy within 21 days (excluding public holidays) of purchase provided you have not made a claim or departed on your journey.  

      ~Medical and dental cover will not exceed 12 months from onset of the illness, condition, or injury. 
      ^Cover chosen applies per policy.