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Poppies commemorating Anzac Day

Anzac Day is a day of reflection as Australians and New Zealanders remember those killed in war. Though many spend it with family or in small town gatherings, should the Centenary commemorations spur you to visit the battle sites this year, look to our guide for the top travel recommendations for Anzac Day 2015.

Albany, Australia

Albany was the site of the first Anzac Day dawn service. Many of the troops departed for the War from Albany. For the Centenary, Albany will be hosting a traditional dawn Eucharist on Mt. Clarence followed by a parade. The National Anzac Centre will also be open, featuring personal stories of the Anzac soldiers.

Albany is a 4.5-hour drive from Perth or less than an hour by air.

Gallipoli, Turkey

The wait list is closed to attend the commemorations at Gallipoli this Anzac Day, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t come and enjoy this historic city. Self-drive or take a tour from Istanbul and get an up-close look at this once warzone. Reservations for future commemorations are open and will not require wait time. For more information of visiting the battle sites at Gallipoli and planning your visit, see the government’s ‘Guide to Visiting Gallipoli’.

Gallipoli is a four-hour drive from Istanbul or three hours by air.

Le Quesnoy, France

While Flanders Field is where the symbol of the remembrance poppy comes from, Le Quesnoy has a special significance for Kiwis, as it represents New Zealand’s last major action during the war. Local appreciation for the New Zealand troops is still strong here.

The embassy is participating in Centenary events including a wreath laying at the Le Quesnoy Communal Cemetery Extension, where a number of New Zealand soldiers are buried.

Le Quesnoy is 2.5 hours by car from Paris or SNCF trains are available from Gare du Nord.

Whether you are travelling to Australia or further afield for Anzac day, consider comparing travel cover options before your trip.

Image courtesy of Flickr user wazimu0; cropped from original