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There are two types of people in the world: those who approach long-haul flights like they’re going into battle, and those who are happy to stare at the seat in front of them for 10+ hours in a chilled out bliss. This is for the people who fall into the former category.

For the ultimate comfort, check out which airlines provide some of the most luxurious meals in the sky here.

view out of airplane window

Top 4 tips for surviving long-haul flights

#1. Try and get a spare seat next to you

Here’s the thing, you’ve got one job when you get to the airport to check in, and that is to get a spare seat next to you on the plane. From the moment you walk through those doors, have one thing on your mind: spare seat. Whatever you have to do - watch the other passengers with hawk-eyed precision or wrestle with spare seat stealers. That precious spare seat is the difference between you being able to stretch those cramped legs or you becoming the pillow for a drooling fellow passenger.

#2. Get fresh, get clean

When you’re sitting in a closed-cycle, metal tube with a hundred other people, you often arrive feeling less than fresh. Your desire to sleep is only matched by your need to have a long hot shower. But it doesn’t have to be that way! You can leave a flight feeling perky and untouched by the germy-film that aeroplanes seem to whip up.

The secret is in the way you pack your cabin bag. At a minimum, pack a change of clothes, a miniature sized roll-on deodorant, toothbrush and toothpaste, a good moisturiser and some kind of cleansing product. Your cabin bag might weigh a little more, but we reckon it’s worth it.

airplane cabin

#3. Move your body

You don’t have to do yoga in your seat or jog up and down the aisle - that’s a good way to get kicked off - but keeping your body moving at regular intervals during your flight is good for blood flow. Having swollen feet and a puffy face isn’t a good look for anyone and by getting up and walking around now and then, you can avoid the marshmallow look. Make circles with your ankles, stretch your arms over your head, and if you can, do some squats in the galley.

#4. Book your flight carefully

Rockin’ through a long haul flight starts long before you even get on the plane. It begins when you click the ‘book’ button and if you’re smart about it, hauling your body across the world can be a bit easier. Our tip? Go for the day flight. Choosing a flight that arrives at your destination at night means you can crawl into bed the moment you get there, have a good sleep, and wake up feeling like a functioning human being as your body clock adjusts to your new location. It’s also worth noting that if the flight without the 10-hour layover is only a little bit more expensive, then go for it. Long-haul flights are hard enough already without trying to get some sleep on the itchy carpet of a faraway airport.

couple walking out of airport with luggage

Having a good trip requires a little bit of patience, some pre-planning and a bit of luck. And maybe a pair of noise cancelling headphones. So, whether your flight is 17 or 7 hours long, we hope it’s a good one!