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Spanish tomato festival

One of the coolest parts of travelling is getting experience celebrations and life from a new point of view. Many times festivals and parties can be enormous in size as you’ll be carousing with locals and other tourists alike. Because the scenery is unfamiliar, the experience new and the standards different, planning ahead and staying aware is important. That way you can enjoy and partake in the party without fear of being taken advantage of, losing important documents or getting lost in a new place. Here are some tips and advice to help you travel to and experience large events.

Plan ahead

Like making all travel plans, there is an element of planning when it comes to figuring out what you need to reserve and purchase before departing. It can be hard to figure out what is available and what is the best choice when you are contending with every other traveller who is making their way to your destination at the same time. Competition is fierce and knowing what to look for can help you save some money and annoyances down the road.

  • Buy your ticket as early as possible: once you know where you will be going and then jump online and start comparing prices. Unlike normal travel, because your tickets timing will centre on a specific date range, it will be more difficult to find last-minute deals and lower priced tickets. By buying early you will ensure your transportation to your destination as well as have the option to reserve a seat of your choice.
  • Purchase travel insurance: not only will you be travelling amongst a large number of people, but chances for pickpockets and petty crimes to occur increase dramatically. Protect your trip, your goods and your experience by finding a travel insurance plan that fits your needs. Then, when you get there, you’ll be able to relax and feel prepared.
  • Figure out any tourist sights you want to see and make reservations if possible: say you are in London to catch a few Wimbledon games this summer and you want to make a pit stop to the Tower of London and the British Museum. Contact these locations for insider tips on how to reserve entry or tickets before you even land in the country. You’ll get the jump on last-minute planners and get the most out of your time in the country or city.
  • Book your lodging ASAP: similar to airline tickets, once you figure out where you are going and your travel budget, find lodging and reserve it as soon as possible. The earlier you start, the more options you have. The last thing you want is to be stuck with a reservation for a local motel or hostel when you had hoped to stay in nicer accommodations but couldn’t because it was booked solid months before you called.

Navigate crowds with knowledge

As mentioned above, large events are prime spots for pickpockets and petty crimes to take advantage of crowds and large distractions. If you are paying attention to a fireworks display or an especially breathtaking painting you won’t be as focused on the purse on your shoulder or the wallet in your pocket. Keep your belongings close, their openings facing towards your body and your valuables well-hidden on your person (think money belt) or in the safe at your hotel.

Stay aware

Festivals and celebrations often centre on good times, freedom, and fun—all of which are superb and enjoyable to take part in. But, if you are travelling to an event that is filled with hundreds of other people doing exactly the same thing, things can escalate quickly and you may find yourself in a situation you are overwhelmed by or uncomfortable with. Have fun but also make efforts to stay alert and know your exit strategy should something come up where you need to leave immediately.

Keep these tips in mind as you get ready to head to your next large festival and remember to choose the essentials travel insurance plan from Cover-More New Zealand to protect your interests, items and itinerary.

Image courtesy of Flickr user Graham McLellan